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Healthy, unvaccinated children denied equal rights to education

Several dozen students at a public high school in Orange County, California, have been told that they can't return to school until the end of the month, because they weren't vaccinated for measles, a typically non-lethal infectious disease that is currently spreading throughout the region after an outbreak at Disneyland. Reminiscent of the Jews, gays and other minorities in Nazi Germany who were forced to wear yellow stars, pink triangles and other identifiers during World War II, these unvaccinated students have essentially been relegated to second-class status, ostracized with symbolic arm bands to let everybody else know that they didn't comply with government mandates. According to CBS Los Angeles, a student infected with measles was on the Huntington Beach High School (HBHS) campus January 6-8, during which time he or she may have exposed others to the virus, say officials. And even though anyone can still contract measles, vaccinated or unvaccinated -- many of those afflicted during outbreaks are already vaccinated -- only the unvaccinated are being treated like a new underclass. "It doesn't worry me that much because I've had the vaccination," one female student from the school is quoted as saying, reinforcing the myth that the vaccine provides full protection.

If only the unvaccinated are at risk, why not let them attend classes?

The obvious assumption behind the school's policy prohibiting unvaccinated students from attending classes is that the unvaccinated are a major risk factor in spurring an outbreak, which means having them around puts other students at risk. But if the other students are already vaccinated, then what is there to worry about?This is the quandary that pro-vaccine advocates are continually forced to wrestle with, as it blows major holes in the official vaccine narrative. Vaccines always work, the pro-vaccine crowd often claims, except when unvaccinated individuals are present. Then it's all about that mystical herd immunity, which somehow doesn't work unless everyone is vaccinated.It's all a bunch of nonsense, of course. But now that it's interfering with people's ability to get an education, all bets are off. Vaccinated or unvaccinated, all children whose parents are forced to pay into the public school system through their property and/or other taxes have a right to an education, and especially one that doesn't treat them as second-class citizens.

MMR vaccine can cause measles, admits mainstream media

Though the HBHS measles outbreak may or may not be related to the Disneyland measles outbreak, which as of this writing has affected only about 70 people, it is still a fact that the measles vaccine (currently administered in combination with mumps and rubella as MMR) isn't foolproof and may actually cause measles. The mainstream media is finally acknowledging this as well, noting that even those who get the shot still have a small risk of getting sick. This was demonstrated in a measles outbreak that began last year, also in California, where at least 18 percent of those who became infected had already been immunized for measles. In 2011, an outbreak in New York City was traced not to an unvaccinated individual but to a 22-year-old woman who the Los Angeles Times says was "fully vaccinated." The woman not only contracted measles herself but also spread it to four other people, all of whom had also been vaccinated. "[The vaccine] doesn't provide the supposed immunity from measles that they're advertising," said Dr. Tim O'Shea, natural medicine expert and creator of The Doctor Within. Learn more:

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