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Vendor Application

1. Describe healthcare information technology vendors responses to nursing demand for improved information systems.

- Healthcare is a very important part of our society and it is imperative for healthcare providers to do their jobs in an efficient and effective manner. They have to manage and integrate clinical, financial and operational information that grows with the practice. These computer based information systems are designed to help nurses provide better patient care. Health information technology (Health IT) may have the potential to improve the collection and exchange of self-reported race, ethnicity, and language data, as these data could be included, for example, in an individual's personal health record (PHR) and then utilized in electronic health record (EHR) and other data systems. There is little reliable evidence, though, on the adoption rates of EHRs.

2. Give some goals of Vendor Application to nurses.

-One of the most important goals is to attain core characteristics that define a successful nurse. I want to provide ongoing community service to those in need of medical assistance. Conclusively, choosing nursing as a career was a result of past experiences, which allowed me to obtain essential qualities to what I believe ascertains a successful nurse. With that being said, I established important goals to remain on this path for success.

3. Do you think that nurses should be provided education based on emergency planning and response? Why?

- I think nurses should be provided education based on emergency planning and response because nurses must be appropriately and consistently educated to provide the right response. It provides an international infrastructure for nurse to learn about emergency preparedness and response.

4. Give important aspect of informatics solutions for emergency planning and response

  • - One very important aspect of the systems assessment for emergency response operations arises from the environmental conditions that prevail during major disasters. At such times, response personnel often confront confusing and conflicting cues about the current status of hazard agent and its impacts, as well as major uncertainties about the future behavior of the hazard agent and impacts yet to come.

  • Emergency planners should anticipate both active and passive resistance to the planning process and develop strategies to manage these obstacles.

  • Preimpact planning should address all hazards to which the community is exposed.

  • Preimpact planning should elicit participation, commitment, and clearly defined agreement among all response organizations.

  • Preimpact planning should be based upon accurate assumptions about the threat, typical human behavior in disasters, and likely support from external sources such as state and federal agencies.

  • EOPs should identify the types of emergency response actions that are most likely to be appropriate, but encourage improvisation based on continuing emergency assessment.

  • Emergency planning should address the linkage of emergency response to disaster recovery and hazard mitigation.

  • Preimpact planning should provide for training and evaluating the emergency response organization at all levels—individual, team, department, and community.

  • Emergency planning should be recognized as a continuing process.

5. Where do you see technology being used today to advance the different missions of the emergency management community?

- The role of technology in emergency management is to connect, inform and ultimately save the lives of those impacted by disasters. Technology restores connectivity to impacted areas so that governments can communicate with citizens and people can find their loved ones. Technology enables responders to coordinate rescue missions and work efficiently from the minute they arrive in a disaster zone, and helps businesses recover so communities can begin to rebuild faster. Lastly, after and in between incidents, technology helps us analyze, track and study natural disasters so that we can always be learning and developing better solutions — and prepare to save more lives.

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