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Nursing Theories

1. Among the nursing informatics theories and models, choose one in which you think is best applicable in your role as student nurses. Justify your answer.

- I choose Benner’s Level of Expertise Model, Every nurses must be able to continuously exhibit the capability to acquire skills ( in this case, computer literacy skills parallel with nursing knowledge ), and then demonstrate specific skills beginning with the very first student experience. My role as a student nurse, i will understands that nursing practice as the care and study of the lived experience of health, illness and disease and the relationship among the three elements.

2. Benner’s model involves the concept “Levels of Expertise”. Based on how far you have gone in your journey as a student nurse, on which level of expertise you consider yourself at this point in time? Explain your answer.

- I consider myself at this point in time is PROFICIENT because this is a evolution through continuous practice of skills, combined with professional experience and knowledge; individual who appreciates standards of practice as they apply in nursing informatics.Once they apply rules learned in nursing school to all patients and are unable to discern individual patient needs.

3. As a nurse, you have an access on patients’ Electronic Health Records. What is your main responsibility in handling these records? Cite examples.

- Most hospitals have their own unique EHR databases that are set up to be accessible from every computer. To open a patient's health record, a doctor, nurse, or other health care provider would log into the system with a username and password or thumbprint identification. Often, providers can access information remotely (such as from an off-site computer) by logging into their work's network system via the Internet and accessing the EHR. Systems are directly accessible over the Internet, too.

4. Clinical decision support systems are widely used nowadays. In your own opinion, can we, health care professionals, totally rely on these systems? Justify your answer.

- In my own opinion, health care professionals rely on these systems because this is a health information technology that is designed to assist physicians and other professionals with clinical decision tasks. It is important also to our nursing practice. Health information technology (health IT) has the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of the health sector by helping providers manage information. It could also improve the quality of health care and, ultimately, the outcomes of that care for patients.

5. Clinical information systems proved to be very useful in health care delivery but these technologies are costly thus health services’ cost will also be affected. Do you think that in order to receive better health care services, the patients should pay more? Elaborate your answer.

- As a health care consumer, you’re paying more of your health care costs and making more of your own care decisions. Those costs can seem out of control, but now health plans, doctors and health care systems are beginning to work together on solutions that will benefit your wallet and your health. Value-based care is emerging as a solution to address rising health care costs, clinical inefficiency and duplication of services, and to make it easier for people to get the care they need. In value-based models, doctors and hospitals are paid for helping keep people healthy and for improving the health of those who have chronic conditions in an evidence-based, cost-effective way.

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