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Nursing Minimum Data Set System

1. As a healthcare provider, how are you going to deliver quality care through the use of health information system?

- As a health care provider, Im going to deliver quality care through the use of information system because this is a measure of the extent to which a system can justifiably be relied on to deliver the services expected from it.

2. Give at least 1 guideline for dependable system and explain how affect for nursing practice?

- Guideline 3: Anticipate success . It will affect the nursing practice because the system planning should anticipate business success and they also need for larger networks, more systems, new applications and additional integration.

3. What is the difference between nursing minimun data set system (NMDSS) and international nursing minimum data set (I-NMDS)?

- Minimum data set systems is identifies, essential, common and core data elements to be collected for all patients receiving nursing care. This is also a classification system which allows for the standardized collection of essential nursing data. International nursing minimum data set is a data that can provide information to describe, compare and examine nursing practice around the globe.

4. How are you going to assessing the healthcare industry?

- Im going to assess the health care industry because assessment is not intended to represent all healthcare provider organizations. It also conveys observations of the health care industry as a whole and the opinions of a passionate advocate of dependable system for healthcare.

5. There are 8 benefits of nursing minimum data set system (NMDSS). How are can you apply this benefits for nursing practice?

- It can also apply the benefits for nursing practice because it will improved data for quality assurance evaluation. It also apply the contributions toward advancing nursing as a research based discipline.It also enhanced documentation on nursing care provided.

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