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Rhode Island child with mysterious respiratory virus dies as disease spreads across the country

An unusual and abrupt respiratory virus has been sweeping during late summer throughout the US, mostly affecting children. The virus has been identified as enterovirus D68. Panic-stricken parents are quick to rush their children to the hospital, but experts say the sickness is not life-threatening most of the time.

Dr. Michael Fine, director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, said in a statement: "Many of us will have EV-D68. Most of us will have very mild symptoms and all but very few will recover quickly and completely. The vast majority of children exposed to EV-D68 recover completely."

There had been no reported deaths from enterovirus D68, so hospitalization isn't necessary unless the child is sincerely having life-threatening breathing problems or difficulty moving limbs, as the virus may produce symptoms similar to those of polio.

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