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By order of the King, day care children shall drink less juice

At the same time that some lawmakers in New York State are pushing to expand late-term abortions and allow anyone to murder unborn babies at any time during pregnancy by shooting poison directly into their hearts, the Empire Nanny State is attempting once again to ban more beverages from public consumption.

The New York City Board of Health has decreed that all licensed city day care facilities must now limit how much juice children are allowed to consume. According to reports, children at day care centers must be at least two years of age before they are allowed to drink any juice onsite. And for those two years of age or older, only four ounces per day of juice will be allowed.

And any old juice simply won't do. Juice products spiked with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other additives are prohibited, with only "100% juice" products allowed. Under the old rules, children as young as eight months old were allowed to drink up to six ounces of "100% juice" daily, but that will no longer be the case.

The new rules, which have been published in the city's Health Code, are said to be in line with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommendations that a majority of children's recommended fruit intake come from whole fruit. Juice products, claim health authorities, are contributing to obesity and other chronic health problems in many of the same ways that soda pop beverages are.

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