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Measles hysteria leads daycare directors to order parents to subject children to invasive blood draw

The mainstream media is politicizing the recent measles outbreaks, using the disease to create a dichotomy to divide Americans. The vaccinated are being pitted against the unvaccinated and a blame game has been riled up. This pointless debate, gripping news headlines, is being used not to educate the population on better hygiene, nutrition and immunology; it's being used to rile support for new laws mandating that the entire population be subjected to whatever vaccines "medical science" has deemed necessary to live. This call for a medical dictatorship has even gripped the minds of politicians and authorities who are now giving out the most irrational advice about diseases like measles. It's as if the recently infected children in Disneyland are being used as pawns to drive a message of fear into the rest of the population. That fear is driving the population to make irrational decisions.

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