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Healthy levels of omega-3 fatty acids improve children's attentiveness, cognitive function

The average child is bursting with energy, curiosity and the desire to learn. When their brain cells are exposed to mind-suppressive dyes and artificial ingredients, the child's natural state is forced into an erratic and inattentive one, as their physiology tries to cope. In their ADHD state, their mind is calling out for nourishment, for the foods that encourage brain development. Constant bombardment of refined sugars, whether it be in cereals, Pop-Tarts, candy or soda, can exacerbate their inattentiveness, causing short-term hyperactivity. When a child is unable to hold attention, when their hyperactivity is taking over, their body is sending the signal that something is missing. Some parents may turn to discipline. Some may turn to drugging their child, but there may be a more integrative approach for easing erratic behavior in children. Something as simple as omega-3 fatty acids may be missing in their diet. The child may also be lacking a learning environment that encourages skill building and relationship building. The public school setting is not always ideal for young children, but that's a topic for another day...

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